Thursday 15 December 2016

The Rapidly Diminishing Office Etiquettes Of The Self-Proclaimed Corporate Professionals

Seriously man! Where the heck do all the manners, etiquettes disappear once a person is recruited in a corporate firm? Do we simply take things for granted? Like our behaviour, manners, values or morals?

Now then, just because there is always a wide gap between the "millennials" and the not-so-millennium conscious folks, doesn't imply that the gap could be expanded to behaviour and integrity too!

No, no one does really care how you behave, think or act; whether or not you are integral, outspoken, confused, sufferer, fickle minded, victim of circumstances, or a winner, so long as you are annoying others with your stupidity, you will be [either secretly or openly] rebuked and looked down upon.

Just to get over with annoyance and teach them a (well, virtual) lesson (or should I say virtually reprimand) let's list down all those annoying stuff young professionals - purposely - do when in office environment.
  • Talking loudly on the phone [oh yeah, we got no other business than to know what dirty linen are you washing right now]
  • Talking loudly to a co-employee - really, you wana brag, do one thing, step out, catch hold of a beggar or even a stray dog, and tell your stupid tales to them! Maybe they have got nothing betta to do!
  • Leaving food scraps on the lunch table or on the cafeteria floor - when you gossip with that dog, don't forget to also catch some 'munch-manners' too man.
  • Leaving toilet soiled! Oh f!@#%#%&^&*k! [Read my other blog posts for this one]
  • Burping, farting, belching loudly. Bad idea, unless you are suicidal; no we can oblige for that! [watch your back, someone who's a victim of your gaseous outbursts might wana strangulate you]. Keep all that spicy oily junk food for road side stuffing man; let the environment suffer instead.
  • Guys, YouTubing, downloading songs, and stuff - get a wifi for your home yaar! [Blessed are those who don't know how to do these stuff]
  • Random gossip starters: Beware again, next thing you know, your mouth might be put to good use if the paper shredder doesn't work!
  • Screaming match: again, there are playgrounds and sports stadiums for that. Spare the four-walled-poor office please!
  • Leaving used cups, tiffins, spoons, glasses, mugs on the working desk! Calling for some really cool face exercises from your colleagues, as they practise making nasty faces at you. You can expect those "dirty looks" as your 'parting' gift!
  • Oogling! Boys, if you are suddenly interested in some facial-make-up obliged by your female colleagues, you should do that - oogle and stare and pop your eyes out at GIRLS!
  • Making nasty comments about others; feeling really obliged to answer all possible comments made by others; giving special "tippanis" about others' choices, etc. Yeah! You could be the next 'hated-by-all' gyan-guru!
....gotta go, some more, later! But rant not over yet!